Institutional Application Form 3D Festival application form at institution level (political party, NGO, etc.) Institution Name Email Phone Address Select at least one of the areas you want to participate in the 3D Festival (Multiple selections can be made by holding down the CTRL or KNTRL keys) First Day / Democracy and Political Participation Participation of Young People in Political LifeParticipation In Civil SocietyTolerance and Reconciliation Second Day / Digitalization and Virtual Threats Use Of Social MediaIndustry 4.0Individual Security In Digital EnvironmentDigital Literacy Third Day / Problems Encountered in Daily Life in Eskişehir Traffic, Transportation, InfrastructureImmigration and the Situation of ImmigrantsEnvironmental PollutionYouth Employment Your Message I have read and agreed I declare that I will not engage in divisive, exclusionary or degrading rhetoric and actions aimed at any social group(ethnicity, religious belief, gender identity, etc.) and individual; negative and harmful for nature and animals, and that I will abstain from provocation, propaganda and partisanship during the festival period Understood The discourses you put forward and the ideas you defend during the festival are your responsibility and they do not reflect the view of the 3D Festival. SEND