Covid-19, which has become a major epidemic that has an impact worldwide, has also significantly affected decision-making authorities. The aforementioned effect delayed the necessary steps in countries governed by democracy and caused the epidemic to spread rapidly, especially in Europe and the United States. In authoritarian regimes, restrictions were applied much more easily, and there was no significant reaction of the public against these restrictions. Countries ruled by democracy, on the other hand, had difficulty in taking steps that could restrict the rights and freedoms of the people arising from the constitution. This phenomenon paved the way for the partial questioning of democratic governments in the early stages of the epidemic. The loose restrictions, which concern the whole public in the country and become an international problem, have been the target of criticism because they may endanger the health of the world. This situation made it obligatory for democratic countries to act outside of democratic principles and values. Major restrictions; curfew, travel ban, obligation to wear a mask, obligation to comply with social distance. In the events that came to the fore in the international media, it was seen that the people in Europe and the USA organized protests against these restrictions.

In this session of the 3D Festival, to what extent the global epidemic affects democracy, whether authoritarian regimes are getting stronger in the world, and how steps can be taken within the framework of democratic principles and values in similar situations will be discussed.